Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Wonders of being Young

Being young is a wondrous adventure. The world is your oyster and *nearly* is possible. You can go and do almost anything you want. You have crazy impulses to go swimming at 2 am in the middle of a lightning storm and your friends are crazy enough to go along. While what your doing is crazy and unsafe, insane, stupid, etc. You do it. You have more fun than you thought possible. You are young and happy.

Because, why not, right?
~V 1.0~

 //If you have any topics you would like to see me write about, drop me a comment\\

Sneak Peak at my Graduation Speech

Well, good morning! We made it…here…finally. I'm not going to say that those thirteen years of school wasn't fun, but I did not enjoy them in the slightest. Perhaps in five to ten years I will look back on them with happiness, maybe even longing, but if so, it will be solely due to mine own forgetfulness—erasing any remembrance of how truly wretched it was.
 However, here we are. A “new frontier” stands before us—an open portal containing infinite possibility and untapped potential is just ahead. Anything and Everything can happen once we enter into that unknown ground—which is quite an exciting notion. Think now for these last few minutes of what you shall make of such wondrous freedom, for soon, we mustn't resign ourselves to mere constructs of imagination. Soon, we shall have the ability to exercise said freedom.
        In just a few short minutes, we will all, both symbolically and physically, enter this glaring unknown as a united group, but we will depart from the far side of that threshold connected by nothing more than our collective past. No binding links will exist between us. Then, unbounded, we are free to make exactly what we choose to of ourselves. There are no stringent rules that will govern our actions save the self-imposed and those defining the concept of decency—and even they should not be seen as impassable boundaries. For we must always be willing to subject even the pillars of society to the axe if something worth anything at all is ever to be accomplished. We have been given great freedom, but (this is the catch) it, therefore, is our responsibility as members of society to do our darndest to make ourselves great. Greatness isn't granted at birth. Status, maybe, but greatness is something else entirely. It is a decision that one makes about their future. People love to give you the “bad news” about your destiny. They consider themselves enlightened, wiser, or just smarter than you and therefore feel an almost responsibility to inform you that you will never make it. That you will never do anything that anyone wants to remember. But no one ever built a Fortune 500 Company riding on the predictions of their neighbors, snoody uncles, and realist “friends”. So really what I am working on is a call to arms. I am asking you all to make your decision about what your future shall be. Don’t waste your future because, YOLO. 

Food for thought, my friends.

 ~V 1.0~