Monday, July 23, 2012


After perusing my old journal entries, I received a super intense wave of nostalgic excitement. I remembered, for the most part, all of the events I had written about nearly a year and half ago to obviously just over a month ago. I remembered why I felt the way I did, and it was just cool to see how much (and little) that I have changed into who I am today.

It is interesting to see myself not a current snapshot, id est what ever my current emotions may be, but as a true fourth dimensional being. All my emotions and thoughts in their irrational and rational undulations alike, all neatly (and messily for that matter) recorded in Evernote or on the pages of a black spiral notebook on the bottom shelf of my bookcase. A surprisingly dynamic concoction of thoughts and emotions that often surprises even me. Most of my written rampages still hold true to this day. I feel the same things about certain issues today, as I did whenever I wrote my thoughts down, which is comforting to think at least I'm consistent in my insanity.

Food for thought, my friends.

 ~V 1.1~

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